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Preorder Outside the Gates of Eden here! My latest novel, Outside the Gates of Eden, is currently available from Subterranean Press and the usual online outlets. It's huge, close to 900 pages, and took me eight years to write. I like to call it the War and Peace of the Woodstock generation. It's limited to 1000 copies and selling quickly, so you might want to order now.

All of my previous novels are now available in Subterranean's handsome, uniform "Definitive Editions," including Dark Tangos. Collect 'em all!

Definitive edition covers Check out my adjunct site, Fiction Liberation Front, for free HTML and PDF versions of my work. A collection of my occasional book reviews is available at If you have any requests or questions, please send me an email.

Entire website copyright (c) 2020 by Lewis Shiner